Mind Transformation 181

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I’ve decided to add a new subject to my learning space. This subject is martial arts. To be clear, I’m going to learn a theory of martial arts in order to make my practice more efficient. For the beginning I want to invest at least an hour per day into the subject and not only research information about that but think and write as well. As usual, I can start with these questions: What is MMA? What do I know about that? What do I want to know? What should I learn to increase my comprehension in this area? Which books should I read? Which lectures should I watch? I need to create some sort of strategy to work with and write every day what I do and think.
Okay, what do I know about MMA? In general it includes everything that refers to fighting. Let’s suppose that MMA is a science which studies fighters. In this case I can start studying the best fighters, their biographies, their training programs, their habits, thoughts, fights etc. In parallel, I can systemize basic qualities which help people to become better in MMA and learn how to develop these qualities. I want to know what makes people stronger, faster, agiler and so on. Once again, I can find information not only in the internet and books but think and write about it on my own. I’ll try to develop my own thoughts and see what will happen.

To the beginning: http://www.proza.ru/2018/03/10/1530
Next: http://www.proza.ru/2018/11/13/1433